BEMA fylder 75 år

BEMA nyhedsbrev, april 2022


I dette nyhedsbrev vil vi tillade os til at fokusere lidt på os selv. Vi vil ellers helst fortælle om vores kunders succeser, men til maj fylder BEMA A/S 75 år – og det synes vi nok er værd at fortælle om. Og det skal fejres!

I anledning af vores 75-års jubilæum vil vi gerne invitere kunder, leverandører, samarbejdspartnere og venner af huset til reception.

6. maj 2022
fra kl. 13-16

Vi inviterer på lidt mad og drikke og glæder os til at se jer!

Fra landbrug til kompleks industri

Det hele begyndte i 1947 med transportører til landbruget. De mange landbrug rundt omkring i landet var i fuld gang med at blive moderniseret og mekaniseret i årene efter 2. verdenskrig. Og med den stigende mekanisering opstod der også et stort behov for transportører. BEMA blev hurtigt en betydelig leverandør af den slags udstyr til landbruget, og det endte senere med snegletransportører. I slutningen af april måned vil vi lægge et lille jubilæumsskrift ud på vores hjemmeside, som kan downloades. Her er historien om BEMA fortalt.

For nogle årtier siden ændrede vi vores strategi: Vi havde udviklet vores kompetencer inden for snegletransport, så vi følte os i stand til at gå ind i mere komplekse løsninger. Det har været en stor succes og givet mange nye muligheder. I dag leverer BEMA til en lang række industrier og forsyningsvirksomheder. Vi er blandt andet godkendt til at producere udstyr til fødevareindustrien og er ISO 9001 certificerede.

BEMA leverer i dag både enkeltkomponenter og samlede, komplekse løsninger.

De senere år har vi også udviklet virksomheden ved at overtage andre. Med købet af Ferreo har vi styrket vores kompetencer inden for procesudstyr i rustfrit stål. Med ACTA har vi taget skridtet ind på markedet for maskiner til neddeling, balleåbning m.v. med udstyr, der bruges i recyclingindustrien, både den private og offentlige.

Al produktion, lager, salg og administration er samlet i vores 6.700 m² store bygninger i Haderslev – tæt på den sønderjyske motorvej. Vi er 65 medarbejdere, og vores udstyr er i drift i store dele af verden.

Det er vigtigt at have et godt fundament, når man udvikler sig. Adm. direktør Jørgen Strøm siger: ”BEMA har en lang historie og har vist, at der er behov for vores produkter og ydelser. Det giver livskraft til en fortsat udvikling af BEMA A/S. Vi er glade for at have jer med på rejsen og ser frem til de næste mange år med fokus på produktudvikling, kvalitet og god service”.


Nyt lys over BEMA A/S

I disse tider er der god grund til at satse på at spare på energien: Alle former for energi stiger, som alle nok har opdaget, helt vildt i pris, og det er ikke en regning, man som produktionsvirksomhed nødvendigvis bare kan sende videre til kunderne. Så må man spare!

Hos BEMA har vi netop udskiftet 500 lysarmaturer med traditionelle lysstoffør. I stedet er der kommet LED-belysning ind, og dermed kan vi reducere elforbruget med mere end 93.000 kWh om året. Da vi lavede beregningerne i sin tid, betød det er besparelse på omkring 200.000 kr. om året – nu er den med de stigende priser endnu større.

Energibesparelser handler ikke kun om kroner og ører. Det er også en gevinst for klima og miljø, når vi bruger mindre el og dermed udleder mindre CO2 og andre skadelige stoffer. Udskiftningen af lysarmaturerne betyder, at vi udleder 1,2 tons CO2 om året.
Det nye LED-lys giver også et langt bedre arbejdslys for medarbejderne. Det er slut med ekstra arkitektlamper på arbejdsbordene i produktionen, og medarbejderne har fået et bedre arbejdsmiljø.

Værkfører Bo Lorenzen siger: ”Flere og flere kunder går også op i, at vi har en miljørigtig profil. Så vi skal tænke ind, hvordan vi i hele produktionsflowet kan indarbejde energibesparelser, mindre ressourceforbrug og andet, så vi lever op til de stigende forventninger, som der er til vores indsats for miljøet”.


Ny hjemmeside gør det nemmere for jer

Her i begyndelsen af april har vi lanceret vores nye hjemmeside Af og til er der nemlig god grund til en gang oprydning på ens hjemmeside. Vi valgte at begynde helt forfra med nyt design, ny struktur og en mere visuel og intuitiv måde at gøre information om produkter, cases og kontakter tilgængelig på, så det hele bliver nemmere for jer som brugere at gå til.

Samtidig er der bagved kulissen gjort et stort stykke arbejde for at gøre BEMA lettere at finde for folk, der søger på emner, som vi ved noget om. Denne såkaldte SEO-optimering er ikke noget, som brugerne af hjemmesiden ser noget til, men den gør os mere synlig på søgemaskiner som Google. Og det er vigtigt, for som de fleste andre virksomheder oplever vi Jørgen Strøm
også, at mange kontakter og forespørgsler i første runde foregår via internettet.

Kig endelig forbi og se, hvordan den nye side tager sig ud. Er der ting, du mangler eller synes er besværlige, så lad os det vide – så tager vi det med, når vi løbende justerer siden.


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ACTA crusher ready for shipment

BEMA newsletter, May 2020

News from BEMA

We’re here for you – also during these unusual times

The last couple of months have presented us all with a completely new agenda. Regardless of our
function in society, everyone has experienced how their everyday lives have been turned upside
down because of a new coronavirus, the Covid 19.

However, BEMA continues its work, undaunted by the corona crisis and, so far, we have managed
to serve all our customers as usual. We’re here for you – also during these unusual times! We are
ready to solve tasks for you and we are able, for example, to offer our customers assembly as part
of the total conveyor project. Perhaps the new framework set by these corona times will generate
new opportunities for collaboration if we work together with a constructive attitude.

As of January 2020, and since the last newsletter, ACTA Recycling has merged with BEMA and is
now a full member of the BEMA Group.

ACTA crusher ready for shipment

ACTA supplies crushers used for a number of purposes:
crushing various materials such as wood and plaster before
processing it further for recovery, also PET bottles, etc.
The machine is a key component in the value chains where
waste is upcycled into new products. The ACTA crusher is
the first step on the way.

Here, a six-screw ACTA crusher is being assembled ready for shipment. This is a total shipment
where we are responsible for the construction of the machine and for structuring the
accompanying control system.

The recycling industry is a growing business area and our expectations are high at BEMA.
Still, BEMA works across a wide spectrum in all industries. In our stainless-steel workshop,
we solve tasks for the food and processing industry where we experience a growing activity.
BEMA strives to become a provider of the basic value chain and we are able to provide
conveyors suited to all sectors.


Components – solutions matching all your needs

Components are an important part of BEMA’s
production. Component parts for specific solutions
which customers may need to reorder and
replace due to wear and tear.

Accordingly, we produce all types of screw conveyors.
They are customised to heavy industry
as well as to the food industry where an extremely
high finish is required in order to comply
with the strict hygienic requirements applicable
in this industry.

We produce both ordinary steel and stainlesssteel
screw conveyors. Each one is allocated a
unique article number, which means that we can
quickly produce them again when required.

All types of flights

We also produce flights of all types – cylindrical as well as more complex conical flights or notched
and cut flights. A speciality of ours are large-scale flights of up to approx. 2500 mm in diameter in
Hardox and other wear-resistant steel types. Here, we are working with composite panels which
meet the requirements of high-wear applications.

We know that accurate flights reduce the time spent on welding the screw conveyor. Our construction
department can thus construct flights in any shape adapted to a given conveyor screw.
Accurate flights save many hours of adaptation in the workshop during production – thus reducing
the cost! Consequently, we work hard to optimise our production of flights so that they are a
perfect fit when welded to the core barrel.

BEMA has an extensive range of standard flights. Our dedicated technicians and production staff
are ready to produce precisely the flights you need for your system.

Contact us for enquiries about:

  • Stainless steel process equipment
  • Screw conveyor systems
  • Conveyor screws
  • Screw flights


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Forty-six metres of screw conveyor for drilling mud on offshore installation

BEMA newsletter, September 2020

News from BEMA

We look forward to meeting you again!

This spring and summer could be characterised as a hundred-year event: very uncommon and not
something one wishes to see happening again in the immediate future. COVID-19 has shut down
society for long periods.

Although we, at BEMA, have been working for the whole period and have solved tasks for our
clients as usual, much has nevertheless changed from what we’re used to. We now work with a
greater physical distance and we have become used to working via video links just like you. Actually,
arranging meetings with customers, suppliers, and others via Teams has been a positive
experience. Perhaps something good will come of that, for example, less travel time for short

Normally, the autumn would be packed with trade fairs. Sadly, everything has been cancelled this
year – we will miss the pleasure of your company and our technical discussions at the fairs. But we
are ready to meet you online or in real life. Let’s have a chat about projects and products!

Forty-six metres of screw conveyor for drilling mud on offshore installation

With this assignment, BEMA has been offshore and
solved this special task in connection with upgrading
an existing drilling rig. Despite being in deep water
out there, we were able to solve a complete and
complex production assignment where we have to
adapt to very special conditions.

The offshore environment is extreme and a screw
conveyor measuring no less than forty-six metres
put tough demands on both construction and materials
as well as production quality.

Our task involved specifying a correct design for the
long screw conveyor, producing it, and testing it in
the presence of the end user. In addition to this, we
provided ATEX approval with risk assessment
and a full documentation package.

The conveyor house is made of acid-resistant stainless
steel and a number of special designs facilitate adapting it to the actual installation environment.
For example, the conveyor has special manually operated locks for the gratings,
facilitating removal for maintenance.

Prior to delivery, the solution has undergone thorough testing at a fullscale test set-up at the
BEMA factory in Haderslev.


Tanks for all industrial sectors

We are increasingly supplying tanks to various industrial sectors.
Especially the food industry, for which we have the special approvals
required, so that we can be a provider for this sector with its
specific requirements relative to hygiene and materials.

Tanks are often part of integral solutions where we provide the total
solution including conveyor systems, tanks, process components,
and installation.

Contact our sales department for an informal chat about how we
can solve your tank requirements.


Components – also for abrasives

Over the years, BEMA has gained extensive
knowledge about producing flights of all types
and we experience a growing interest in flights
suitable for abrasives. This could e.g. be the
transportation of ash in combined heat and
power stations (CHPs), but also many other
types of abrasive materials.

Learn more about our component programme
in wear-resistant steel and hard-alloy coating.
We are experts in the renovation of screw
conveyors with hard-alloy coating and the replacement
of wear parts, enabling us to maintain
and upgrade your conveyor system.

Contact our sales department for further information.

Serial production of screw conveyors

Machine manufacturers using screw conveyors
in their product series often need uniform
components to satisfy their requirements and
needs. We subscribe to this kind of OEM production
(original equipment manufacturer) and
have acquired sufficient capacity to produce
screw conveyors matching the serial sizes and
specifications required.

To learn more, contact our sales department.


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New loader optimises the process of loading of grain and malt into containers

BEMA newsletter, December 2020

Merry christmas – and a happy new year

The end of 2020 is fast approaching and most of you will remember this year as one that turned
out to be vastly different from most other years we have experienced. For BEMA, too, it was a very
special year where we had to learn to hold virtual meetings with our customers, online sales meetings,
and generally find new ways to communicate with our collaboration partners.

Such challenges may also precipitate development and, together with our partners, we have learned
how to be close – at a distance. But hopefully 2021 will see a return to a more normal situation
where personal contact will once again be possible.

Everyone at BEMA would like to wish all our customers, suppliers, and other collaborative partners
a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. See you in 2021!

New loader optimises the process of loading of grain and malt into containers

Malt is a wonderful raw material, not least for our
beloved Christmas beer, but to become a beer
ingredient, it will need to be transported from the
producer to the brewery, and elsewhere, too.

BEMA recently supplied a new loader, optimising
capacity as well as the working environment when
loading both 20- and 40-foot containers to get the
malt to its destination.

The loader comprises a steel frame to which a
screw loader is fitted. The equipment is sandblasted
and coated. The screw housing is made of
1.4301 best quality stainless steel.

The loader can fill at least three 20-foot containers
per hour, corresponding to approx. 100 tons, or 25
tons in 15 minutes. During tests, we managed to
fill 4–5 containers. The high capacity is partly due
to the output of the screw loader and partly to the
loader being mobile on wheels/rails. This makes
it highly efficient.

Furthermore, the loader is capable of loading in two lines – this means that a new container can be
driven up and made ready while the first is being filled, ensuring a minimum of down time.

The working environment is optimised because the container does not need to be moved during
filling. The driver approaches the loader, a bag is fitted to the container, and the container is loaded
with the lorry remaining in the same position. Moreover, a simple extraction device fitted to the
enclosed conveyor housing ensures a largely dust-free process.

A mobile loader means that and extra 1,100 kg can now be loaded into each container compared to
earlier, making the most of each cartage and saving approx. one container in twenty.

The loader is practically automatic, since the counter pressure established by the filling process will
prompt the loader to move back in tandem with the container being filled.

The loader is a fine example of a customer-specific BEMA solution where our dedicated engineers
have developed unique equipment specially designed to solve the requirements of the customer.
If you are facing a special challenge in screw conveying where we can supply the solution, don’t
hesitate to phone our sales department on +45 7452 1621.


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ACTA intensifies focus on recycling

BEMA newsletter, April 2021

News from BEMA

ACTA intensifies focus on recycling

ACTA is our line of bale openers and crushers and its relevance has increased in recent years. The recycling of materials is now top of the agenda in all parts of the economy worldwide, meaning that we, to a large extent, can avoid using virgin resources.

Bale openers are e.g. used for baled-up paper and cardboard, PET bottles, or other types of plastic destined for recycling. Crushers can be used for gypsum, waste wood, mineral wool, and household waste.

This newsletter details a customised solution for an opener of baled-up paper capable of handling
exposure to heavy stress factors while at the same time fitting into a specific factory layout. See the
solution here: solution no. 31253.

Summer is coming…

Summer is approaching and, hopefully, everyone is heading for some degree of normalisation. We look forward to, once again, arranging face-to-face meetings with customers and suppliers, but do not doubt that virtual meetings will continue to some extent – they have proved a rational gain for everyone concerned and match current thinking on reducing environmental impact!

BEMA A/S recently supplied a bale opener for opening large bales of compressed paper and cardboard. The bale opener must be capable of handling the extreme stress loads sustained when the heavy bales are dumped into it by a belt conveyor. This bale opener replaces an earlier ACTA model installed in 1993; its 28 years of working life proving that ACTA is built to last.

ACTA bale openers are used for opening the bales of paper, loosening the tightly compressed content arriving from recycling stations, enterprises, etc. The loosened paper pass through the machines’ outlet for further processing, typically in large pulp tanks where it is dissolved into a sticky mass used to produce new paper. In this way, ACTA bale openers are the first and very important link in the process of producing new paper from recycled materials.

This solution was produced in close collaboration with the customer, who had specific needs for the machine’s outlet side. Further, the factory layout had to be considered: some large iron beams had been embedded into the floor and these could not be removed.

BEMA A/S ended up supplying a complete turnkey solution including design, construction, and control system design. It was installed through the roof of the factory.

Special features of this machine:

  • Robust set-up – heavy duty
  • Hydraulic port mounted on outlet side
  • Manual control panel for hydraulic port
  • Extended filler hopper with inspection door and safety switch
  • Complete electric control panel supplied with the machine

Contact Ronni Laursen, head of sales for this product line.


Components for standard and customised solutions

BEMA A/S specialises in the production of screw conveyors with flights in Hardox material. We produce flights of steel sheeting with factorymade hard-coating; the hard-coating is applied at our factory to prolong the lifespan of the screw conveyors.

We supply both customised solutions and standard components. We make sure that the product documentation is always up-dated, which means that we are able to supply conveyor screws suited to your specific equipment on a current basis.

Recently, we supplied two approximately tenmetre- long conical screw conveyors for biomass transportation. Biomass is highly abrasive requiring the screw conveyors to be hard-coated in order to prolong their lifespan. Further, the shaft is self-supporting with no contact between the screw conveyor and the housing.

For more details, see – solution no. 29603.

Or contact our sales department for more information.


New man on the ACTA product line at BEMA A/S

Ronni Laursen has been made head of sales for the entire ACTA product line of bale openers
and crushers. Widely experienced within project sales, industrial, and made-to-order
production, Ronni has always serviced both national and notably international customers.
He always makes a point of being a competent consultant, offering a close and dedicated
partnership with our customers. Jointly, BEMA A/S and Ronni Laursen form a strong team,
offering an extensive product programme not only in the field of crushers or bale openers,
but also in the form of screw conveyors or other processing equipment. Please contact
Ronni to learn more about how an ACTA solution could help you.


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Complete system for conveying sludge

BEMA newsletter, September 2021

News from BEMA

We look forward to seeing you again!

Let’s not say more about you know what – which has ruled everyone’s life this past couple of years.
So, let’s just say that we very much look forward to meeting you all, now that it is possible to attend
fairs and exhibitions once again.

See below where you can meet us in the near future – we hope to see many of you, both new and
existing customers, suppliers, and collaboration partners.

Like so many other enterprises, we have been extremely busy during the past few months. In many
ways, activities in society, generally, have been significantly higher than many had expected, which
has furthermore been confirmed by Danmarks Nationalbank having just written up the expectations
to the annual growth rate. This is good news for everyone, although we are fully aware that not
everyone came through the long ‘state of emergency’ without problems.

Trade fairs and exhibitions during the autumn

HI Tech & Industry Scandinavia in Herning: We take part in Danish industry’s large showcase exhibition,
the HI Tech & Industry Scandinavia fair in Herning, during the period 5–7 October. Drop into our
stand no. J7201 for the latest news about developments in the field of screw conveyors, screw shafts,
and complete solutions. We will also be showing ACTA products relevant to the recovery industry, recycling
stations, and other actors in this field, which is currently undergoing tremendous development.

Elmia Subcontractor in Jönköping: On this fair taking place during the period 9–12 November, we
will be presenting projects and existing opportunities for entering into projects with our components,
flights, and turnkey conveyor solutions. Drop in and find out what we can offer you. Stand no. B06:93.

Ajour in Odense: Vocational conference and fair directed at engineers, and others, in Odense. Do
pay us a visit. The fair takes place during the period 25–26 November.

Complete system for conveying sludge

Sludge from sewage works is a residual product which is fairly unpleasant to handle. Spreading
it on the fields as manure may inconvenience the surroundings and attempts at incinerating
it at combined heat and power stations were unsuccessful because of its water content.

The first system has now been set up where sludge from wastewater via a process of steam
desiccation and pyrolysis is transformed into so-called bio coke. It is a valuable manure
which is easy to handle. The process removes the water content from the sludge and eliminates
environmentally harmful substances such as microplastic and medicine residues.

We have supplied an integral solution for conveying sludge in the same system where it
undergoes pyrolysis treatment. Together with Aquagreen, supplier of the total solution, we
have designed the conveyor solution. BEMA has been in charge of producing the full screw
conveyor solution, the final assembly and test run of all screws in our test stand.

The whole solution has been produced in stainless steel for max. wearability and resistance
to the powerful substances contained in sludge.


Screw conveyor for the food industry

To a customer in the food industry, we have supplied a complete polished screw conveyor integrated
into their system and used to convey raw materials. It should be noted that the food industry
requires particularly high standards of their equipment. In this case, extremely smooth surfaces and
very precise tolerances are a requirement to ensure correct function.

The screw conveyor is Ø 75 mm and made in stainless steel 1.4301. It is all-welded and subsequently
polished to ensure total smoothness and avoid any residues of raw materials being left behind.

BEMA has carried out all processes from design to production and finishing and is therefore able to
guarantee the final result.


Special flights and all types of screw conveyors

BEMA produces all kinds of flights – cylindrical as well as more complex conical or notched flights.
One of our specialties are large flights measuring up to approx. Ø2500 in Hardox and other
wear-resistant steel types. Here, we work with sandwich panels, which meet the requirements for
particularly wearing applications.

Our construction department constructs special flights in any shape to match a given screw conveyor.
Fully compatible flights save many hours of workshop adaptation during production – thus
reducing costs! We therefore continuously strive to improve our production of flights to ensure a
perfect fit when fitting them to the shaft.

We have a large assortment of standard flights. In addition, our committed technicians and production
staff are ready to produce exactly the type of flights you need for your system.

Our production of screws covers both production-to-order and standard items. If you require a supplier
capable of supplying identical screws, we make sure that our production formula is updated at
all times, ensuring that you will always receive a uniform product.

Contact us with enquiries for:

  • Stainless-steel process equipment
  • Screw conveyors
  • Screw shafts
  • Screw flights


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3D-scannings give accurate measurements

BEMA newsletter, December 2021

Merry christmas and happy new year

A new year is just round the corner

2021 is coming to a close and everyone at BEMA would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone
a merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year. Most people like to be around
their families at Christmas time and prepare for the new year and BEMA will therefore be closed for
Christmas from December 23rd 2021 to January 2nd 2022, both days inclusive.

Thank you for your patronage in 2021. It has been a busy year and we look forward to continuing
our collaboration and exploring new territories along with you.

3D-scannings give accurate measurements

An important basis for installing a solution is to make accurate on-site measurements. Correct
measurements and dimensioning help minimise both time-consuming adjustments and added
cost, enabling customers to put their new investment to use quickly and efficiently.

BEMA has therefore invested in 3D-technology and we will be bringing a camera along on
customer visits. The camera is set up on the site where the new conveying and process equipment
will be installed. The camera scans the area and creates a 3D-model of the installation
space. Back at the office, our technicians can then incorporate machines and equipment into
the model to avoid clashes between the new equipment and existing installations.

The method has proved extremely effective and has saved time on making additional measurements.
For the benefit of everyone, we have managed to avoid the adjustments previously
necessary because it was impossible to anticipate every detail right from the start.

If you would like to know more about this service, please contact us.


Silo for powder store

We’re now really reaping the benefit from gaining experience
in the Ferreo field of business and are increasingly
supplying advanced solutions in this area. During the
autumn, BEMA has produced a twenty-metre-high powder
silo painted in the customer’s signature colours and
installed on existing foundations to supplement an active
production unit.

The tank is four metres in diameter and produced in ordinary
surface-treated steel. The silo is supplied as a complete
solution and erected on site.

With Ferreo now being an important part of the BEMA
Group, we’re now able to offer customers complete siloand
container solutions as well as total conveying solutions
complete with various process components. Our interdisciplinary
experience means that we can couple our screwconveyor
competence and Ferreo’s tank experience, all of
it for the maximum benefit of customers.

Please contact us if we can help you with solutions like


silo til pulverlager bema
produktion af silo
siloer til pulver maling bema

Components – flights and screw shafts forming part of customers’ value chain

BEMA experiences a rising demand from customers wanting us to supply either flights or
screw shafts as part of their value chain. There’s a demand for high-quality standard components
which are uniform and meet requirements – time after time.

We work constantly to enhance our knowledge of the wide-ranging demand for these components,
so that we can supply our customers with a uniform product matching their value

As an expert in these components, BEMA will be undergoing constant development in order
to offer customers components that meet standard requirements, making BEMA a relevant
supplier to help customers ensure a smooth production flow and create maximum value.

In recent years, we have specialised in producing screw shafts with flights in Hardox material.
We produce flights of steel sheets with hard-surface coating from the factory and we have
our own equipment to apply hard-surfacing which will extend the lifetime of screw shafts. For
many customers, this has become an important strengthening of their own value chain.

All in all, we supply both special solutions and standard components. If you’re looking for a
supplier able to supply uniform screw shafts on a current basis for a plant, we will make the
necessary arrangements to update the production documentation to ensure a constant supply
of uniform screw shafts, flights, and other components.

Please contact BEMA if you would like to discuss serial production of a specific component –
flights or screw shafts.


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